The Frequently Asked Questions about DISCUS Results:
Is there a way to try out DISCUS Results?
- Is DISCUS Results included with the other DISCUS products?
- How do I access and use the Results tool?
- Does DISCUS Results work with my customers’ FAI systems?
- Can I enter some of my company-specific data in Results?
- How does it handle the entry of multiple result values?
- How are the results statuses visually displayed to the user?
Is there a way to try out DISCUS Results?
Yes. Similar to all of the other DISCUS modules, you can try DISCUS Results before buying.
Is DISCUS Results included with the other DISCUS products?
No. DISCUS Results is an add-on module for DISCUS Desktop, and it is available for a separate license fee.
How do I access and use the Results tool?
DISCUS Results will appear as an additional menu pad at the top of the main DISCUS Desktop window, and the Bill of Characteristics panel will have separate tabs for Requirements and Results. In addition, the Characteristic Properties window will also have separate tabs for Requirements and Results.
Does DISCUS Results work with my customers’ FAI systems?
DISCUS enables you to export all of the data that you have captured to MS Excel and other systems. Thus, both the requirements and results will get included in Excel-based uploads to your customer system or your internal reports.
Can I enter some of my company-specific data in Results?
Yes, DISCUS Results allows you to add custom fields for the results entry. Thus, you can add any information you may need for results capture.
How does it handle the entry of multiple result values?
DISCUS Results allows you to add 0, 1 or many results for each characteristic requirement.
How are the results statuses visually displayed to the user?
DISCUS Results shows the status of each characteristic in the Results tab of the Bill of Characteristics panel. In addition, the Drawing/Model panel also uses color codes for the balloons to indicate incomplete, pass, warning, or fail status for each characteristic.