The Frequently Asked Questions about DISCUS include:

  • What is DISCUS?
  • How many companies are using DISCUS?
  • What business benefits can I expect from DISCUS?
  • How much does DISCUS cost?
  • Can we get training for DISCUS?
  • What support is available to me?
  • What are some of the advanced capabilities of DISCUS?

What is DISCUS?

DISCUS is a reasonably priced suite of software tools that greatly reduces the labor effort for quality and manufacturing planning. DISCUS enables a user to work with a part model or drawing to efficiently identify the detailed characteristics, derive the specific requirements, and automate the organization of inspection plans, process plans, etc.

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How many companies are using DISCUS?

DISCUS is in use in over 1500 different organizations ranging from large companies such as Lockheed, Raytheon, and BAE Systems to smaller suppliers such as Barnes Aerospace, Enginetics, and Turner Medical. Within these organizations, DISCUS has 1000s of users. See the Customer Testimonials for comments from actual users.

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What business benefits can I expect from DISCUS?

The most easily quantified benefits are the reduction in Quality Engineering and Manufacturing Engineering labor associated with the creation of inspection plans and process plans. Many DISCUS users have received a 5X Return on Investment in the first year of use.

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How much does DISCUS cost?

You can use DISCUS Desktop for as little as $720 per year for a single user. The most common configuration selected by small companies is a one-time fee for a floating license for under $3,000. See the Pricing pages for complete details as well as options you can consider.

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Can we get training for DISCUS?

DISCUS provides an optional on-line training session. These are very effective at getting you productive using DISCUS in less than two hours.

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What support is available to me?

There are several support options available to you. First, there is this FAQ which is frequently updated. When you run DISCUS, there are help files available. They can be accessed by pressing F1 after you launch DISCUS. Finally, you can submit specific questions to our DISCUS Software support team on the help request page.

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What are some of the advanced capabilities of DISCUS?

DISCUS includes modules to support optical character recognition, on-line results entry & validation. In addition, DISCUS has modules to support interaction directly with 3D CAD models, the development of process plans, and the analysis of producibility.

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