We are pleased to announce that DISCUS 5.4 is released and available for download.

Key Enhancements in this release include:

  • Custom Requirement Fields – That’s right! Now you can create custom fields in the DISCUS Bill of Characteristics (BOC) Requirements table. Custom requirement fields can be displayed in the Requirements tab, the Results tab and in user-defined Custom Tabs.
  • Custom BOC Tabs – Along with custom requirement fields, DISCUS 5.4 has BOC Custom Tabs. Custom tabs can display both requirement and result data, as configured by the user. Requirement and result fields can be hidden or visible as needed and this provides the user with a unique “filtered” view of just the data they want to see and work with.
  • Custom Excel Templates can be Imported – Custom Excel templates can be imported to appear in the Excel Template File dropdown list for easier access.
  • Enhanced CSV Import Functionality – With the DISCUS CMM module, we have made CSV import improvements such as blank lines are ignored and “Axis” data field is no longer required.
  • Remove Embedded Spaces in OCR Output – With 5.4, users can tell DISCUS to remove space characters in the OCR output data. Click the option and then click to run the OCR again and voila – the spaces are removed. This feature was added to facilitate the capture of numeric requirement data.
  • Default Tolerances for Five Decimal Places – In the Default Precision and Tolerance tool, users can specify a default tolerance value for five decimal place precision.
  • Large Drawing Performance Options – For very large drawings that may update slowly, DISCUS 5.4 has settings under the Drawing menu item to speed up the Characteristic Properties Next or Previous processing and to speed up overall processing.
  • Decimal Point Selector – In 5.4, the user can specify whether the drawing or model being ballooned contains numbers with a period or a comma as the decimal point separator character.
  • And last but not least, DISCUS 3D has been updated – Need to work with 3D CAD models, but don’t want to spend the time and money to learn and buy CAD tools? Then you need DISCUS 3D. DISCUS 3D operates on native model files without requiring the purchase of a license of the original CAD tool. DISCUS 3D will automatically balloon Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) in the original model. Then users can query and measure the model to add additional inspection characteristics. User can also extract requirements in the model tree. User created illustrations/views and model views can be exported to 2D PDF for downstream users and inspection documentation. If you are interested in DISCUS 3D, contact [email protected].