A detailed listing of features and benefits appears below:

DISCUS Planner Feature Pertinent Business Benefit
Maintain a routing and defined operations for a specific part Reduces the effort to coordinate characteristic planning with other systems such as ERP
Maintain routing templates with reusable information Reduces the time and labor to create comprehensive process planning documentation
Customizable inspection methods, sampling plans, etc. Ensures that system works with existing databases and terminology
Assign characteristics to specific operations where produced and/or inspected Ensures that all characteristics are being properly defined throughout the production lifecycle
Review application of Characteristics by operation Reduces quality escapes by helping to validate the changes in characteristic values between operations
Create work instructions and process illustrations for each operation Improve yield by enabling production personnel to concentrate on requirements for the specific operation
Automatically create operation inspection characteristics Reduce the time and labor to create comprehensive process planning documentation
Text markup of illustrations by operation Improves communication by allowing customized information for each operation
Filter Characteristics and display drawings side-by-side Reduces time to link related characteristics and ensures that all characteristics have been properly assigned
Export a complete process plan with instructions, illustrations, etc. Reduces the time and labor to create comprehensive process planning documentation
Export Characteristics and operations to customizable Excel reports Provides format for additional downstream applications such as inspection sheets, setup sheets, etc.