
Change a Revision in seconds

2018-11-27T08:10:51-05:00November 27th, 2018|Uncategorized|

If your customer sends you a new revision, switch it quickly via TDP and New Revision. Check to see the differences between the two revisions and the data from the first revision stays with the [...]

Change tolerances in two clicks

2018-11-27T08:09:13-05:00November 27th, 2018|Uncategorized|

If you ballooned a print and forgot to set the tolerances, don’t despair. Set the new tolerances under Tools, then select all the characteristics and right-click to select the new tolerances. The data will populate [...]

Text markup annotations

2018-07-11T08:23:39-04:00July 11th, 2018|Uncategorized|

Use the text mark up feature to annotate your drawing. This gives you the ability to place text anywhere on your drawing but does not make any changes to your underlying drawing.  You can control [...]

Whiteout function

2018-06-08T12:16:16-04:00June 8th, 2018|Uncategorized|

Use the white out function (CTRL-W) to hide the snap rectangles and balloons you created on the drawing. This helps you determine what ballooning you missed and allows you to renumber balloons for their proper [...]

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